Take a look at our work.

BGW-real estate Greifenseestrasse

PV-sys­tem with 50 kWp
Year of con­s­truc­tion 2024

BBZ-sett­le­ment Brun­nen­hof leg 1–3

PV-sys­tem with 299 kWp
Year of con­s­truc­tion 2022/23

GBMZ-sett­le­ment S7

PV-sys­tem with 229 kWp
Year of con­s­truc­tion 2023

Mount Sun­zu Cof­fee Estate, Zambia

PV ground-moun­ted sys­tem with 96 kWp for irri­ga­ti­on pumps
Year of con­s­truc­tion 2023

GBMZ sett­le­ment S1

PV-sys­tem with 132 kWp
Year of con­s­truc­tion 2022

BBZ sett­le­ment Brun­nen­hof 4th leg 

PV-sys­tem with 98 kWp
Year of con­s­truc­tion 2021/22

BGZ sett­le­ment Saat­len II

PV-sys­tem with 120 kWp
Year of con­s­truc­tion 2021

ABZ sett­le­ment Glattpark 

PV-Anla­gen with 327 kWp
Year of con­s­truc­tion 2020

agta­tec AG, Fehraltorf

PV-sys­tem with 276 kWp
Year of con­s­truc­tion 2020

WUGU rice field “Unter­au”

Solar water pump approx. 45 m³/h
is ope­ra­ted sea­so­nal­ly with mobi­le PV sys­tem
Ope­ra­ting sin­ce 2021

ABZ sett­le­ment Balberstrasse

PV-sys­tem with 565 kWp Year of con­s­truc­tion 2015/2016 Nor­man Fos­ter Award (Swiss Solar Pri­ze 2016)

ETH Höng­ger­berg HPT- and HIT-Building 

PV-sys­tem with 20.16 and 20.24 kWp Year of con­s­truc­tion 2005 and 2008

Ilka­ri GmbH — Luterbach

PV-sys­tem with 48.87 kWp
Year of con­s­truc­tion 2014

ABZ sett­le­ment Ent­lis­berg 2

PV-sys­tem with 522 kWp
Year of con­s­truc­tion 2018/2019

Ilka­ri GmbH — Eschenpark

PV-sys­tem with 2 x 34.04 kWp
Year of con­s­truc­tion 2006

ABZ sett­le­ment Lommisweg

PV-sys­tem with 117.43 kWp
Year of con­s­truc­tion 2017

ABZ sett­le­ment Ruggächern

PV-sys­tem with 198 kWp
Year of con­s­truc­tion 2015 (91.4 kWp)

ASIG sett­le­ment Living 1

PV-sys­tem with 3 x 22.09 kWp
Year of con­s­truc­tion 2012

BGZ sett­le­ment Kat­zen­bach I

PV-sys­tem with 20.16, 24.25 and 26.7 kWp
Year of con­s­truc­tion 2012

ABZ sett­le­ment Oerlikon

PV-sys­tem with 91.14 kWp
Year of con­s­truc­tion 2018

ABZ sett­le­ment Jasminweg

PV-sys­tem with 85.17 kWp
Year of con­s­truc­tion 2013

Ilka­ri GmbH “Druck­zen­trum Tagesanzeiger”

PV-sys­tem with 88 kWp and 31.5 kWp
Year fo con­s­truc­tion 1998 and 2004

ASIG sett­le­ment Rütihof

PV-sys­tems with 165 kWp
Year of con­s­truc­tion 2005–2011

Impres­si­ons from exper­ti­se activities

Refe­ren­ces are available on request